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Education management

Educational mission statement

Wiesbaden's education mission statement "Education of the future" was developed in 2021 with over 600 education stakeholders. The mission statement forms the basis for cooperation in the field of education in Wiesbaden.

Infographic on the educational mission statement "Education of the future"
The city council has adopted the "Education of the future" mission statement.

For us, education means ...

We take our lead from UNESCO's concept of education. In its 1973 education report, education is understood as a "decisive way of preparing people for participation in a society that is undergoing profound change".

Education thus serves to develop abilities, skills, knowledge and competencies with the goals of

  • independent and autonomous life shaping, as far as possible according to one's own inclinations and abilities,
  • Participation/participation in community life,
  • securing and developing the economic and natural foundations of society/the community.

For us, educational stakeholders are ...

  • For us, the key players in education are all Wiesbaden residents - regardless of age and previous educational experience.
  • Providers in educational organizations and institutions, whether public or independent, as well as in educational companies.
  • Wiesbaden's urban society as a whole.

Education is a triad of formal and non-formal education and informal learning. Education takes place throughout life and in many places - often outside of school or other formal educational institutions.

Guiding principles

  1. We shape our shared present and future with sustainable education.
  2. We create opportunities and spaces to discover and develop existing potential.
  3. We find solutions together for the problems of individuals and groups in our society.
  4. We work together respectfully and form networks in our city.

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