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Real estate office

Lease a leisure garden

As part of its property management, the state capital of Wiesbaden currently leases around 1,500 gardenable areas and so-called leisure gardens (not allotment gardens according to the Federal Allotment Garden Act).

Unfortunately, we have to inform you that we currently have no suitable land available. Due to the high demand, we are also unable to accept any further garden applications on the waiting list. The current waiting period is approximately five years. We ask for your understanding.

The demand for gardens considerably exceeds the city's supply. There is therefore a long waiting list; the average waiting time is three to four years.

Due to the high demand, it is currently not possible to offer any vacant leasehold plots. Interested parties have the opportunity to be entered on a waiting list.

Further information can be found in the information sheet, which is available for download.

We request that applications are only sent by e-mail to liegenschaftsamtwiesbadende. It is not necessary to fill out a new application form. If you do not have e-mail access, you are welcome to send your extension in writing by post or fax.

Garden renewals are only possible between January 1 and February 28 of each year. Extension requests received after this date can no longer be considered. This means that you will have to reapply for a garden.

Thank you for your interest in renting a plot from the City of Wiesbaden.

Lease a leisure garden


Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 15
65189 Wiesbaden

Postal address

P.O. Box 3920
65029 Wiesbaden

Notes on public transport

Bus stop Statistisches Bundesamt; bus lines 16, 27, 28, 37, 45, X26, 262

Information on accessibility

  • Barrier-free access is available
  • The WC is barrier-free

watch list

Explanations and notes