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  4. Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (Germany)

The twinning with the border district Berlin-Kreuzberg (West-Berlin) was first initiated two years after the building of the Berlin Wall, and was finalised in April of 1964.

When the twinning between Wiesbaden and Berlin-Kreuzberg was founded in 1964, West Berlin was cut off from West and East Germany. The state capital Wiesbaden initiated the twinnings as an illustration and active expression of its bond with the people of Berlin-Kreuzberg, which was put into practice through active citizens' aid programmes like student exchanges and providing recreational areas for elderly people.

The twinning, which was boosted by the founding of two twinning associations in Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Wiesbaden, finds expression in a multitude of cultural and sporting encounters.
