The "Education creates the future" series deals with issues in the field of education. It takes place on a regular basis. You can find further information on the lectures here.
The lecture series "Education creates the future" deals with current education policy issues.
The lecture series "Education creates the future" is dedicated to pressing issues and challenges in the field of education. At regular intervals, the city's education office invites experts to talk about current developments, innovative concepts and forward-looking approaches.
The aim of the series is to share knowledge, provide food for thought and promote dialog between science, practice and society.
The lectures are aimed at all those actively involved in shaping education - stakeholders in Wiesbaden's educational landscape as well as interested parties from politics and civil society.
Topics of past events
Educational equity in all-day education - Prof.'in Dr. Tanja Grendel, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (December 2024)
Unequal daycare use - Dr. Mathias Huebener, Federal Institute for Population Research (online, February 2024)
Reading Monitor of the Reading Foundation - Prof. Dr. Simone Ehmig, Reading Foundation (May 2023)
Digital basic education "Digital Immigrants" - Thomas Kießlich, Nuremberg Education Office ( digital, December 2022)
Learning in times of crisis - What do our children need now and in the future? - Tatjana Zens, State Education Authority (June 2022)
Boys and education - Prof. Dr. Jürgen Budde, European University of Flensburg (online, December 2021)
School 4.0? - In the field of tension between proximity and distance - Tatjana Zens, State Education Authority (digital, March 2021)
Education and digitalization for older people - Prof. Dr. Walid Hafezi, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (October 2019)
UWE study - Jan Schröder, Herne education office (March 2019)
Further training for the low-skilled - Dr. Christopher Osiander, IAB (November 2018)
All-day offers from the children's perspective - Prof.'in Dr. Sabine Andresen, Goethe University Frankfurt (September 2018)