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Civil engineering and surveying office

Street names and addresses

Street names and house numbers ensure clear and reliable orientation and guarantee public safety and order, so that the police and emergency services can reach the scene quickly in an emergency.

Street naming
The local advisory councils have the right to propose new street names. The Civil Engineering and Surveying Office is responsible for administrative processing and obtaining the magistrate's decision. This is also where the street key directory and further information on the naming and, if applicable, the history of the street are kept. There are around 2000 street names in Wiesbaden.

Assigning house numbers
An officially assigned house number is a prerequisite for registering your main or secondary residence at the Citizens' Office. For new buildings, house numbers are assigned as part of the building permit process. If necessary, house numbers are also assigned at the request of the owner or ex officio. The allocation of house numbers is regulated in the "Hazard prevention ordinance on the allocation of house and property numbers and the procurement, installation and maintenance of house number signs". There are around 47,000 house numbers in Wiesbaden.

Lists of addresses and street names
The comprehensive list of addresses contains, in relation to the individual house number with street name and street code, the corresponding UTM coordinates and various area classifications in numerical representation.

The street key index contains the street key, the official street name, local district, municipal district and an identifier to differentiate between street, residential area and district.

Street names and addresses


Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 15
65189 Wiesbaden

Postal address

P.O. Box 3920
65029 Wiesbaden

Notes on public transport

Bus stop Statistisches Bundesamt; bus lines 16, 27, 28, 37, 45, X26, 262

Information on accessibility

  • Barrier-free access is available
  • The WC is barrier-free

watch list

Explanations and notes