Apply for loss of maintenance benefits or advance maintenance payments
Are you a single parent and receive no or only partial maintenance from the other parent? Then you can apply for an advance on maintenance payments under certain conditions.
You will receive advance maintenance payments for your child if you are raising it in your household without another parent against whom the child is entitled to maintenance. However, this maintenance is not paid by the other parent or the person obliged to pay maintenance, or is paid incompletely or irregularly.
Children with a deceased parent may also be entitled to an advance on maintenance payments if no or insufficient orphan's benefits are paid.
The child's center of life must clearly be in your household. This means that you are not entitled to an advance on maintenance payments if you use the alternating model. You must not have married a new partner.
If the eligibility requirements are met, the maintenance advance will be paid to you until your child reaches the age of majority. The maximum period of 72 months has been abolished.
The amount of the maintenance advance is calculated from the amount of the respective minimum maintenance rates less child benefit and, if applicable, less any maintenance payments or orphan's benefits already received.
From 01.01.2024, the following amounts apply
- EUR 230.00 per month for children up to 5 years of age
- for children from 6 to 11 years EUR 301.00 per month
- for children from 12 to 17 years EUR 395.00 per month
This ensures that all children receive maintenance advance without any gaps if necessary. At the same time, an important incentive is created for households that are not in need of assistance or could become independent of basic security benefits through their own income from employment to secure their own livelihood.
The maintenance advance is always paid at the beginning of a calendar month and can be applied for retroactively for one month.
Online services
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Organizational units
Apply for loss of maintenance benefits or advance maintenance payments
65189 Wiesbaden
Postal address
65029 Wiesbaden
- +49 611 313452
- +49 611 314951
Information on accessibility
- Barrier-free access is available
- The WC is barrier-free