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  4. Churches in Wiesbaden

Churches in Wiesbaden

The churches in Wiesbaden symbolize, in a very special way, the social and architectural development of this city, which is the capital city of the state of Hesse.

The Market Church was deliberately erected opposite the City Palace as a symbol of the thriving bourgeoisie in the Duchy of Nassau; with its almost 100 meter tall main steeple, it continues to dominate the cityscape.

The Luther Church, the Hill Church and the Ring Church also have had an impact that extends far beyond the city limits, because they stand for modern Protestant church buildings at the turn of the 20th century, in which the sermon, Communion and the music were seen as one unit and the pulpit, altar and the organ were surrounded by parishioners.

Many churches in Germany have been erected based on these models. The up-and-coming Catholic parish selected the Court Master Builder of the Duchy of Nassau, Philipp Hoffmann, to be the architect for St. Boniface's Church, in order to erect a representative ecclesiastical building in the centre of the city. Hoffmann also planned the building of the Russian Church on the Neroberg and the Synagogue on Michelsberg, which was described as one of the most beautiful synagogues in Germany, but which fell victim to National Socialism.

However, there are many church buildings, not only in the centre of the city, but also in the suburbs and in the boroughs of Wiesbaden in which religious services are celebrated and which offer venues for a lively range of cultural, musical and social events. In this brochure, you will find information and descriptions to accompany you during your visit.


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