

Adolf-Todt-Straße 9
65203 Wiesbaden
Telefon: 0611 / 66881
Telefax: 0611 / 694053

religious denomination: protestant

On 2 July 1899, the church council representatives decided to build a second church in Biebrich. The Neogothic church was built from 1903 to 1905 with a nave, a transept, an entrance hall with two porches, as well as outside steps to the balcony. The main building has one nave; the side aisles are only indicated and serve as passageways. The architect dispensed with the construction of a choir, instead he placed the organ here.

On 15 May 1905 the church was consecrated; it was partly destroyed in 1944/45. Clean-up work began on 21 July 1946 and the church was re-consecrated on 12 March 1950. The church was renovated in 1973 and the restoration of the façade began in 1997; this work was financed with the help of a Förderverein (registered charity for the support of this church) founded in February 1997. Five years later, in December 2002, the work was completed. The Centenary of the House of Orange Memorial Church was celebrated in May 2005.

Points of interest

  • Since 1967 there have been stained glass windows in the church designed by Margret Thomann-Hegner. They show Christ appearing before Pilate and the descent of the Holy Spirit

Opening hours

by arrangement


Sundays at 10 a.m.


Lines 3 und 4, Bus stop: Rheinufer

Lines 9 und 14, Bus stop: Wilhelm-Kopp-Straße


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Oranier-Gedächtnis-Kirche wiesbaden.de
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