
Event Technology and Internal Logistics

The Event Technology and Internal Logistics team will be happy to advise you on any questions relating to the technical equipment for your event.

Olaf Weber
Manager Event Technology
Phone: +49 611 / 1729-287
E-Mail: info @ wicm.de

Hagen Flick
Deputy Manager Event Technology
Phone: +49 611 / 1729-408
E-Mail: info @ wicm.de

Simon Huth
Event Technician
Phone: +49 611 / 1729-410
E-Mail: info @ wicm.de

Dirk Wolf
Event Technician
Phone: +49 611 / 1729-345
E-Mail: info @ wicm.de

Peter Herrchen
Facility Manager

Michael Hirschochs
Facility Manager

Ralph Thiem
Facility Manager

Simon Huth wiesbaden.de
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